Bio 241 Lab Practical #1

40 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

Cards In This Set

Front Back
Epidermis, Dermis, Hypodermis/Subcutaneous Layer
Answer 1
Dermal Papillae, Hair Root, Hair shaft, Hair follicle
Answer 2
Sudoriferous Gland, Sebaceous Gland
Answer 3
Arrector Pill Muscle, Root hair plexus, Pacinian Corpuscle
Answer 4
Stratified Squamous epithelium
Answer 5
Located in Esophagus
Simple Squamous epithelium
Answer 6
Located in Air Sacs of the lungs
Simple Cuboidal epithelium
Answer 7
Located in Kidney Tubles
Simple Columnar epithelium
Answer 8
Located in Digestive trac(Stomach to Anal canal)
Pseudostratified ciliated columnar
Answer 9
Located in the trachea(Lines it) most of upper respritory track.
Transitional epithelium
Answer 10
Located in the Urinary Bladder
Adipose Tissue
Answer 11
Located under the skin (fat cells)
Dense regular connective tissue
Answer 12
Located in tendon's and ligaments
Areolar tissue
Answer 13
Packages organs, surrounds capillaries
Reticular Tissue
Answer 14
Bone marrow, spleen
Answer 15
Located in the intervertebral disk