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Behaviour in VertebratesDefinition and types.
Observable movements of an animal's body made in response to internal or external environmental factors.Stereotypic - Always the sameSpecies specific - very similar in members of the same species but differs in different species
Betta Splendens (Siamese fighting fish)How can they breathe air?How do the show aggression?How does their aggression vary?
Have Labyrinth organ to help breathe airShow aggression by stereotypical behaviour. Spreading fins and operculum and gill membrane. They will readily fight males.Most aggressive when there's a male audience member. Less when it's a female audience member but still more than when there is no audience member.
![]() Yellow Perch (perca flavescens)Fins |
1. Anterior dorsal fin - spiny rays2. Posterior dorsal fin - soft rays3. Caudal fin - soft rays4. Anal fin - spiny and soft rays5. pelvic fin - paired - homologous to hind limbs of tetrapods6. Pectoral fin - paired - homologous to forelimbs of tetrapods7. Operculum - gill covers. Protect respiration structures and force water over the gills.8. Lateral line - each scale: hole which leads to a canal which leads to a neuromast. Neuromast: Sensory organ with hair cells in cupola (capsule). They help detect disturbances in the water because the cilia are asymmetrical. Can detect water going from head to tail or vice versa.
Yellow perch External anatomyBodyMouthScaleetc.
Fish body divided into head, trunk, tailGill openings mark border between head and trunkMouth - Upper jaws = maxilla; lower jaws = mandibles. Three types of mouths:a) Terminal to catch preyb) Inferior (bottom feeder)c) Superior (surface feeder)Scale - Annuli = growth rings; teeth = cteniiExternal nares - lead to olfactory pits (w/ smell organs)Gills have 4 arches which each have 2 rows of gill filamentsUnpaired finsPaired fins
![]() Yellow perch Internal Anatomy I |
10. Gills11. Ventricle (heart)12. Liver - store glycogen/produce bile13. Stomach14. Pyloric caeca - finger like projections. Aid in digestion/absorption 15. Duodenum - 16. Intestine (off page?)17. Spleen - in mesentry. destroys red blood cells18. Kidney - Excretes wastes into urine
![]() Yellow perch internal anatomy II |
1. Liver2. Duodenum8. Gills9. Gill rakers10. Ventricle11. Atrium12. Bulbus arteriosus13. Gall bladder - stores and concentrates bile and releases into intestine
How does blood flow in the perch?
Atrium -> ventricle -> bulbus arteriosus -> ventral aorta -> afferent branchial arteries (over gill arch) -> Efferent branchial arteries -> dorsal aorta and carotid arteries -> common cardinal veins -> sinous venosus -> atrium