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A semi- liquid mixture containing flour or other starch, used for the production of such products as cakes and breads, and for coating products to be deep-fried.
The hard outer covering of kernels of wheat and other grains.
Rich yeast dough containng large amounts of eggs and butter; or a product made from this dough.
Bread Flour
Strong flour, such as patent flour, used for breads.
Cake Flour
A fine, white flour made from soft wheat.
The browning of sugars caused by heat.
A rich egg bread, often made as a braided loaf.
Chemical Leavener
A leavener such as baking soda, baking powder, or baking ammonia, that releases gases produced by chemical reactions.
The process by which proteins become firm, usually when heated.
Confectioner's Sugar
Sucrose that is ground to a fine powder and mixed with a little cornstarch to prevent caking.