Badminton Crash Course

This is review for my P.E. class exam on badminton and the other set is for basketball

31 cards   |   Total Attempts: 193

Cards In This Set

Front Back
Badminton's name orginated from what town?
Badminton, Gloucestershire, England
Who's home was it played at in the originating town?
Duke of Beaufort
What year did the game start?
When were the rules made?
What year were the rules revised, and have remained basically unchanged since then?
When was the International Badminton Federation (IBF) founded?
The IBF led to...
International gameplay
The IBF sponsors what tournament?
Thomas cup
The Cup that IBF sponsors works in the same format as...
Tennis' Davis cup
What year did badminton become an olympic sport?
What do you use to play badminton?
A raquet and a shuttlecock
Shuttles are usually made of two types of materials:
Nylon and goose feathers
A singles court is __ ft. wide and __ ft. long
17 ft. wide and 44 ft. long
A doubles court is __ft. wide and__ft. long
20 ft. wide and 44 ft. long
How many feet high is the net?
5 ft.