
Chapter 16

66 cards   |   Total Attempts: 190

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Bacterial cells are what type of cell?
Where do you find bacteria?
Everywhere - in the air you breathe, in the food you eat, in water, deep in the ocean, on and in your body.
What are the two types of cells?
Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic
Why are bacteria prokaryotes?
They have no true nucleus. Organelles in bacteria are surrounded by membranes.
What is the nuclear material of a bacterial cell made up of?
One or more circular chromosones. bacteria have cell walls and cell membranes and also contain ribosomes.
Bacteria are grouped into what two kingdoms?
Eubacteria and Archaebacteria
What is special about cyanobacteria, a type of eubacteria?
It contains chlorophyll which enables it to make its own food. It obtains energy from the sun by photosynthesis. Most eubacteria do not make their own food.
How do most eubacteria get their food?
Most do not make their own food. Some break down dead organisms to obtain energy. Others live as parasites, and absorb nutrients from living organisms.
What do cyanobacteria contain that enables them to make food?
What is the size difference between bacterial cells and eukaryotic cells?
Bacterial cells are much smaller. They are about the size of a mitochondrion or chloroplast found in eukaryotic cells.
Name the parts of a bacterial cell.
It contains cytoplasm surrounded by a cell membrane and wall. Bacterial chromosomes are located in the cytoplasm. Some bacteria have a thick, gel-like capsule around the cell wall. Many have a whiplike tail called flagella.
What is flagella?
A whip like tail to help the bacteria cell move.
What are the three basic shapes of bacteria?
Spheres, rods and spirals
What are cocci?
Sphere shaped bacteria
What are bacilli?
Rod shaped bacteria