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Port =
Starboard =
Bow =
Front of the ship
Stern =
Back of the ship
Red right returning nun even
On your way inland, the right side has a red light, numbered evenly increasing, the buoys are nun, triangle tops
Properties of Left Hand
Left hand is green, odd numbered, and the buoys are can, cylinders, square. Boating Right of way
2 powered vessels sailing head on?
Head on, both vessels give-way starboard (right) crossing paths, vessel on operators left is give-way vessel. vessel on operators right is stand-on and can maintain course. overtaking, the one overtaking is the give-way, pass on either side
Power vs sail
Powered is always give-way vessel, sailing vessel is stand-on overtaking, whichever one is overtaking is the give-way, pass on either side
Sail vs sail
Wind on same side; the leeward (downwind) is the stand-on vessel and maintains course wind on different sides; head on, the vessel with wind on its starboard side is the stand-on. if operating power driven, you must give way to any vessel not under command vessel restricted in ability to maneuver engaged in commercial fishing sailing vessel unless it is overtaking sailing vessel must give way to same as above minus the last one.
Aircraft in distress
ALWAYS have the right of way
Aircraft approaching head-on?
Both aircraft give way to the right
Overtaking Aircraft?
Must pass slower aircraft to the right and stay well clear
What happens when aircraft of the same category are converging?
The aircraft to the others' right has the right of way
What happens when two aircraft are converging or approaching from the side?
The aircraft to the left must give way to the aircraft on the right
General rule regarding converging aircraft of different categories?