Explain Financial Audit Terms Flashcards

How Well Do You Know About Financial Audit Terms? Answer these quiz based flashcards based on the Financial Audit Terms and check your knowledge.

59 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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In the audit of historical financial statemetns by public accounting firms, the criteria used are
Generally accepted accounting principles
Because an external auditor is paid a fee by a client company, he or she
May be sufficiently independent to conduct an audit
The disadvantage of general statements in codes of professional conduct is
The difficulty of enforcing general ideals without minimum standards of behaviour
The provincial institutes rules of professional conduct state, in part, that a public accountant should maintain integrity and due care. integrity in the rules refers to a public accountant's
Reputation for honesty and fair dealing
If a misstatement is immaterial relative to the financial statements of the entity for the current period and is not expected to have a material effect in future periods, it is appropriate to issue
An unqualified opinion
The appropriate date for the audit report is the one on which the
Auditor has substantially concluded procedures in the field
A public accountant is subject to criminal liability if the public accountant
Wilfully omits a material fact required to be stated in a financial statement
When the auditor issues an erroneous opinion as the result of an underlying failure to comply with the requirements of generally accepted auditing standards, it results in
Audit failure
The responbility for adopting sound accounting policies, maintaining adequate internal controls, and making fair representations of teh financial statements rests
With management
The auditors evaluations of the likelihood of material employee fraud is normally done initially as a part of
Understanding the entity's internal controls
Evidence is generally considered appropriate when
It has the qualities of being relevant, objective, and free from known bias
Evidence is usually more persuasive for balance sheet accounts when it is obtained
As close to the balance sheet date as possible
When the auditor decides that lower audit risk on an audit is appropriate, then
The engagement may require more experienced staff
Independence threat analysis is an important part of the engagement acceptance or continuance process. if the auditor identifies an independence threat, then, before accepting the engagement, the auditor must
Determine whether it is possible to institute safeguards to mitigate the threat
The scope paragraph in auditors reports includes two important phrases that are directly related to materiality and risk. the phrases are
"obtainin reasonable assurance" and "free of all material misstatements"