ASVAB Electronics Information

20 cards   |   Total Attempts: 190

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Where electrons orbit the nucleus. First shell = 2 electrons. Second shell = 8 electrons. Third shell = 18 electrons. Outermost shell = valence shell. Determines a conductor, semiconductor, or insulator.
Electron Flow Theory
Electrons flow away from areas of excess negative charge to those with a deficiency of negative charge.
Voltage (def, unit, measured using)
Electrical pressure. Measured in volts (V). Electrical potential, electromotive force. Measured with a voltmeter. >voltage = >electrical pressure.
Current (def, unit, measured using)
The rate of flow of electrons through a conductor. Measured in amperes (A). Measured with a ammeter.
Voltage and current are directly proportional. If voltage increases, so will current.
Direct current
DC. Current only flows one way in a conductor. Ex: Battery.
Alternating current
AC. When the current in a conductor changes direction (moves back and forth) many times in a second. North America AC = 60 cycles per second or 60 hertz (Hz)
Opposition to the flow of current. Measured in ohms. Omega symbol. Measured using an ohmmeter.
Current and resistance are inversely proportional.
Good conductors
Silver, copper, aluminum.
Ohm's Law
E = I x R
E = voltage
I = Current
R = Resistance
Current = mA = 1/1000 or an ampere. convert by moving decimal point three places to the LEFT
resistance = kilohms Komega - convert by moving decimal point three places to the right.
or megohms Momega - convert by moving decial point six places to the right.
voltage = mV = 1/1000 of a volt. convert by moving the decimal point three places to the left.
kV = 1000 volts. convert by moving the decimal point three places to the right.
MV = 1,000,000 volts. convert by moving the decimal point six places to the right.
Electrical Power
The actual rate at which energy is provided to and consumed by an electric circuit. P = I (current) x E (voltage)
3 components of an electrical circuit
Voltage source, a load, conductors
Closed circuit
Voltage source, load, and conductors are all connected so that current can flow.
A resistance that converts electrical energy into some other energy form. ex: lightbulb (converts energy to light and heat)
Series circuit
Has only one path for current to flow.
the current flow will be the same in all parts of the circuit.