Answer These Ecliptic in Astronomy Flashcards


35 cards   |   Total Attempts: 190

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Why do the constellations that are visible in the sky at night change with the seasons?
Because the Earth revolves around the Sun
What is the ecliptic?
The extension of the Earth's path on the celestial sphere
Which of the following statements describes the ecliptic?
Both the extension of the Earth's path on the celestial sphere and the apparent path of the Sun across the celestial sphere are correct
What is retrograde motion?
Occasional east to west motion of the planets relative to the stars
Which of the following is true during the equinoxes?
All of these choices are correct
If the Moon sets at 10 a.m. today, approximately what time did the Moon set yesterday?
9:10 a.m.
During which phase of the Moon do you expect to observe a lunar eclipse?
Full Moon
During which phase of the Moon do you expect to observe a solar eclipse?
New Moon
You are sailing in the ocean, and you observe that the North Star appears lower in the horizon every night. What direction are you traveling?
Which of the following observations did the ancient Greeks use to reject the suggestion that the Earth revolves around the Sun?
The relative positions of the stars on the celestial sphere did not change during the year.
Which of the following would you expect to observe during the December solstice in Iceland?
All of these choices are correct
Suppose that the Earth's axial tilt decreased from 23.5 to 0 degrees. Which of the following changes would you expect to observe?
All of these choices are correct
The Earth's spin suddenly reverses direction, but the direction of the Earth's motion around the Sun is preserved. What would you observe?
All the choices would be observed
Which of the following was the most crucial contribution of Galileo in rejecting the geocentric system?
All of the choices are correct
If the Moon rises at 10 p.m today, approximately what time will the Moon rise tomorrow?
10:50 p.m.