What is Articulation Flashcards

Study material for the study of articulation anatomy

17 cards   |   Total Attempts: 189

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The study of articulation, or joints is known as what?
What kind of joint (based on joint structure) is one in which the bones are held together by collagenous fibers?
Fiberous joint
When two bones fuse together into a single bone, this union is called a what?
The teeth are held into the jaw by what kind of joint?
Fiberous gumphosis
What kind of joint is found between the distal tibia and fibula?
Fiberous syndesmosis
Bones held together by cartilage (cartilaginous joints) are also known as ____________ joints.
The epiphyseal plate is a cartilaginous joint. In terms of movement, it is also called a _____________.
Immoveable joint
What is the name of a joint that is held together by a joint capsule?
Synovial joint
Synovial fluid is secreted by what structure?
Synovial membrane
How much movement occurs in a suture between two bones of the skull?
No movement is allowed
Which joint has the greatest range of movement?a. gomphosis b. suture c. synchondrosis d. hinge
In which of these joints would you find a meniscus?a. cartilaginous b. fiberous c. synovial
What is the function of the meniscus in the knee?
Provides a cushion between femur and tibia
What is the function of the labrum in the glenohumerous joint?
It is a cartilagenous ring that surround the joint to stabelize the joint
The joint between the trapezium and the first metacarpal is what kind of joint?
Saddle joint