
Arthropod flashcards (6thgrade science)

20 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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What are the characteristics of Arthropds?
Jointed appendages,bilateral symmetry,a body cavity,a digestive system,a nervous system, segmented bodies and exoskeleton
What are the types of arthropods?
Insects,arachnids,centipedes and millipedes and crustaceans
What is the value of arthropods?
Source of food, cross pollination,bees produce honey, silk worms produce silk, bee venom used for arthritis.
How many body parts does an insect have and what are they called?
Three body parts. Head,Thrax, abdomen
What does arthropoda mean?
Jointed foot
How does an arthropid Grow?
It molts
What does the head of an insect look like?
It has a pair of antennae, eyes and a mouth
What does the thorax look like?
Three pairs of legs and one or two pairs of wings.Some don't have wings.
What does the insect abdomen have inside?
Reprodcutive structures and spiracles.
What do the spiracles do?
Openings on the abdomen and thorax through which air enters and waste gases leave the insects body
Define metamorphosis.
Process in which many insect species change their body form to become adults.Can be complete or incomplete
What are the stages of complete metamorphosis?
Egg, larva, pupa and adult
What do insects eat?
Plants, blood,nectar,clothes,wood,decaying materials
Why are insects successful?
They have tough,flexible, waterproof exoskeletons, fly, reproduce rapidly and are small. can live in many different environments. camouflaged.
Name examples of arachnids?
Scorpions,spiders, mites and ticks