Animal Diversity Arthropods 1 Crustacean Notes Flashcards

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Clade; Arthropoda, Onychophora and Tardigrada
Phylum, felted worms -paired unjointed legs on each segment end in claws-soft outer cuticle is molted-metameric nephridia, open circ. system-respiratory tracheal system
All animals that lack external cilia and have an outer cuticle made of chitin that is molted
Phylum; "water bears"-molecular evidence suggests affinity to arthropods-cryptobiosis
When desiccated, animal shrivels into a "tun" until water returns
Segments fusing together for specialized functions
Trochophore Larva
New segments added in posterior budding zone
Circulatory system in arthropods
Open; blood empties from vessels into sinuses to bathe organs and tissues and returns directly from the hemocoel to heart through ostia
Reduced arthropod coelom, persistent blastocoel
Reprod & excretory organs derived from___(tissue layer)
Arthropod symmetry:
Bilateral, tagmosis, paired jointed appendages
A series of distinct post-embryonic changes in body form
Digestive system
Nervous system
Ventral double nerve chain of ganglia
Arthropod epidermal cells
Secrete the exoskeletal chitinous cuticle