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- Aphrodite of Knidos-c. 350-340 - 4th century/Late ClassicalMost famous statue of a woman
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Acropolis of AthensWestern side of the Parthenon
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The Doryphoros450 BCE - ClassicalControposto Pose- overused/overdone in classical period
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Three Goddesses- Pediment of Parthenonc. 428-432: Classical -hair pin drapery
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The Parthenon447-438 BCE- ClassicalBuilt to AthenaPerfection of the Doric Temple
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Typical Etruscan Temple
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Hermes and Dionysusc. 350-340- 4th Century/Late Classicalcontraposto poseslim, slender proportionsrepresents gods
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Battle of Issusc. 310- Hellenisticnot an allegorymosaic
Themes of Hellenistic Art:
- weakness- suffering, pain, death-mind-body connections in confusion, sleep and loss of consciousness-age-drunkedness-war--> conquest (because of Alexander the Great)
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Gaul Monumentfrom Perganonc. 230-220 - HellenisticHellenistic Greeks committing noble act of suicide, in defeat"idealized" enemies, not depicted as monsters
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Great Altar of Zeus, Perganonc. 175 HellenisticIONIC orderuses allegory
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Lapith Vs. CentaursLapith- Greek, Centaur =degenerate, half-human enemyCentaurs crashed parties, weddings and raped the lapith womenreflects racist society
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Sleeping Satyr/ Barberini Faun200 BCE: HELLENISTIC
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San Vitale at Revennac. 526-547 CE EARLY BYZANTINE- doesn't look like a basilica- "out of place" in Italy- signal of Justinian Byzantines' takeover in RevennaBASIC BYZANTINE CHURCH FORM = dome on top of octagon |
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Icon of the Virgin, Saints, and Angels / Of the Enthroned6th or 7th Century C- considered to be icon of Mary- God of heaven sticking hand down - vertical/horizontal arrangement represents hierarchy-naturalistic/abstract styles combined