Art History Exam 1

41 cards   |   Total Attempts: 189

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Place: Arena ChapelAbout: Kiss of Judas (Betrayal of Christ)Time: Early Renaissance (1300-1480)
Answer 1
Place, About, Time
Place: Arena Chapel, Padua
About: Lamentation (Mourning of Christ)Time: Early Renaissance (1300-1480)
Answer 2
Place, About, Time
Place: Siena, Maesta AlterpieceAbout: Kiss of Judas (Betrayal of Christ)Time: Early Renaissance (1300-1480)
Answer 3
Place, About, Time
Place: Siena, Maesta AlterpieceAbout: Lamentation (Mourning of Christ)Time: Early Renaissance (1300-1480)
Answer 4
Place, About, Time
Place: Chartres CathedralAbout: Rose Windows, Everyone (cobblers, represented)Time: Gothic (1140-1500)
Answer 5
Place, About, Time
Place: Chartres CathedralAbout: West facade/portal, set standard for Gothic cathedralsTime: Gothic (1140-1500)
Answer 6
Place, About, Time
Place: Abbey Church of St. Foy, Conques, tympanum - west portalAbout: The last judgementTime: Romanesque (1000-1150)
Answer 7
Place, About, Time
Place: Abbey Church of St. Foy, Conques About: Reliquary of St. FoyTime: Romanesque (1000-1150)
Answer 8
Place, About, Time
Place: Abbey Church of St. Foy, Conques About: Exterior of ChurchTime: Romanesque (1000-1150)
Answer 9
Place, About, Time
Place: Book of Kells About: Chi Rho Page, expensiveness honors and makes grand the textTime: Hiberno-Saxon (600-900)
Answer 10
Place, About, Time
Place: Old St. Peter's Basilica, RomeAbout: Largest building in world until 11th century, most important christian spot in Rome (where St. Peter was martyred)Time: Early Christian (100-500)
Answer 11
Place, About, Time
Place: Old St. Peter's Basilica, RomeAbout: Largest building in world until 11th century, most important christian spot in Rome (where St. Peter was martyred)Time: Early Christian (100-500)
Answer 12
Place, About, Time
Place: San Vitale, Ravenna About: Plain outside, grand inside (outside world is ok, inside is holy)Time: Early Christian (100-500)
Answer 13
Place, About, Time
Place: Pantheon, RomeAbout: InteriorTime: Roman (27 BCE - 200 CE)
Answer 14
Place, About, Time
Place: San Vitale, Ravenna About: Court of Justinian (Justinian in front/not overlapped. on Christ's right hand side, 12 people (12 apostles)Time: Early Christian (100-500)
Answer 15
Place, About, Time