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temple of hera II/poseidon, paestum, Italy,460 bcearchaic/early classicalLimestone,
not marble
build at the greek colony of posedonia. Built by greeks – style got transferred to Italians. Doric order (heavy squat proportions) Entices/buldging of the columns. Cella/naos: interior space. Pronaos/porch: entrance to interior space. early classical period. Built in archaic style (certain pla, bulky, bulging column at bottom, made out of limestone, ration to width to height – classical equals 2 x width +1, capital goes beyond the frieze) Parthenon and temple of hera similar Temple, rectangular, stairs going all around, pediment,(triangle) frieze,(solid thing above capital) |
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Classical greek 447-458 ce.
Doric order
Temple to a god Athena (godess of war and wisdom, patron
goddess of Athens/protector)
Columns are sections of marble placed on top of each other
Bowing in stairs – structurally sound, looks strait from far
away, looks bigger than actuality.
Decoration goes all the way around – different scens of mythic
Greece: sack of troy (illiad), contest of Athena and Poseidon, centauromachy,
gigantomachy. Birth of Athena on pediment,
Panathenic procession (on freieze)
Doric order
Temple to a god Athena (godess of war and wisdom, patron
goddess of Athens/protector)
Columns are sections of marble placed on top of each other
Bowing in stairs – structurally sound, looks strait from far
away, looks bigger than actuality.
Decoration goes all the way around – different scens of mythic
Greece: sack of troy (illiad), contest of Athena and Poseidon, centauromachy,
gigantomachy. Birth of Athena on pediment,
Panathenic procession (on freieze)
greatest commission was rebuilding of the acropolis which had been sacked by
the Persians.
cities had one, cultural/ religious center
gateway, painting gallery, theater, other temples (Parthenon is just part of
larger complex of buildings)
Built but
ictinos and calligreties
single handedly desined sculptors, made colossal image of Athena in golden
ivory. (cult statue)
war and wisdom. Patron of the city Athens. dedicated to her
Parthenon: refers to the birth of Athena (Athena penthenos) born out of zeus’s
head. Doric order (because of warrior goddess)
from earlier temple (Paestum) to Parthenon (later)
Columns are slimmer
Less bulging
Width is now wider in relationship to the length
Capital is slightly smaller
Entabliture is smaller and less heavy, doesn’t
weigh down as much.
More space between columns
Base is curved in order to make it look regular.
about 4 ft high. High reliefe so they look almost freestanding
Triumphs over barbarians (perisans) associate themselves with order and value. panels Shows conflucts between greeks and amazons (women warriors),Battles between centaurs and lapyths (people from theselonia) centaurs represent barbarians. They were very brightly colored because they were far away. More naturalistic than archaic, but very schematic. Differences in panels show that phiteus couldn’t carve all of this himselfe. Shows that different sculptors came from other areas of Greece. High classical style was associated with Athens. Pedimente Triangular thing that housed the freestanding statues. Shows struggle between Athena and Poseidon for the hold of Athens. Idea of conflict and power through conflict. Athena won because of the gift of the olive tree. Jaque carrey: French artist. Drew what would have been there that had veen destroyed. Figures are posed very naturally, yet they fit perfectly the sloping shape of the epdiment. Carved fully in the round even though no one would ever see the back – greek integrity. Hierarchial scale: most important object being scaled bigger for attention. Frieze: top of cella wall. Continuous. 3ft 5 in high, 524 ft long. Represents a continuous procession. Narrative is sussainted all the way around the building. Culminates insides underneath scene of birth of Athena. Lower reliefe less free standing. Sense of motion, important event taking place, men gallop towards something. Motion slows as it proceeds. Figures in chariots, water carriers, animals for sacrifice. Culmination: figures of the deities and scenes on either side. Scaling: gods are seat and take up whole frame, and humans standing take up the whole frame. Theya re turned away from the figures in the center (3 women a man a child with a cloth) Traditional interpretation: a great procession known as pan athenae. A new peplos/garment would be brought back to the old statue of Athena. Connoly theory: it is a current event, not a greek myth. No accounting for three women, some of figures are not in the actual event (no ship) no female water carriers. A number of problems. She read fragment of lost play by Euripides that represented what was shown in Parthenon. Story of eumolopis. Athena wins overlordship and son eumolopis comes back to challenge her. Oracle tells her that he has to sacrifice one of three daughters if one is sacrifice then all will be. Story commemorates Athens garment is really a funiral shroud. Daughter is disrobing |
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Parthenon ground plan
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Parthenon decoration plan
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Parthenon sculpture detail 438-432 bclapith and centaur, metopeDifferences in panels show that phiteus couldn’t carve all of this himselfe. Shows that different sculptors came from other areas of Greece. High classical style was associated with Athens.
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Parthenon sculpture detail 438-432 bchelios and dionysos or herakles
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Parthenon sculpture detail 438-432 bcthree goddesses, east pedimentThree goddeses: put together naturally that fits shape of pediment. Figures are all wearing garments that reveals body underneath.
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Parthenon sculpture detail 438-432 bchorsemen, frieze
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Parthenon sculpture detail 438-432 bcchariot, frieze
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Parthenon sculpture detail 438-432 bcwater carriers, frieze
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Parthenon sculpture detail 438-432 bcsacraficial animals, frieze
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Parthenon sculpture detail 438-432 bcelders and maidens, frieze
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Parthenon sculpture detail 438-432 bcpeplos scene with nike, hera, zues, frieze
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Parthenon sculpture detail 438-432 bcpeplos scene with athena and hephaestus, friezerieze: top of cella wall. Continuous. 3ft 5 in high, 524 ft long. Represents a continuous procession. Narrative is sussainted all the way around the building. Culminates insides underneath scene of birth of Athena. Lower reliefe less free standing. Sense of motion, important event taking place, men gallop towards something. Motion slows as it proceeds.Figures in chariots, water carriers, animals for sacrifice.Culmination: figures of the deities and scenes on either side. Scaling: gods are seat and take up whole frame, and humans standing take up the whole frame. Theya re turned away from the figures in the center (3 women a man a child with a cloth)Traditional interpretation: a great procession known as pan athenae. A new peplos/garment would be brought back to the old statue of Athena.Connoly theory: it is a current event, not a greek myth. No accounting for three women, some of figures are not in the actual event (no ship) no female water carriers. A number of problems.She read fragment of lost play by Euripides that represented what was shown in Parthenon. Story of eumolopis. Athena wins overlordship and son eumolopis comes back to challenge her. Oracle tells her that he has to sacrifice one of three daughters if one is sacrifice then all will be. Story commemorates Athens garment is really a funiral shroud. Daughter is disrobing
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Peplos scene, frieze