HA221 - Art History 1 - Final Exam Flashcards

47 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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Question 1
Artist: Title: Period:
Answer 1
Artist: Attributed to the Hirschfeld WorkshopTitle: Dipylon KraterPeriod: Geometric Greek
Question 2
Artist: Title: Period:
Answer 2
Artist: Title: Calf-BearerPeriod: Archaic Greek
Question 3
Artist: Title: Period:
Answer 3
Artist: Title: Anavysos KourosPeriod: Archaic Greek
Question 4
Artist: Title: Period:
Answer 4
Artist: Title: Peplos KorePeriod: Archaic Greek
Question 5
Artist: Title: Period:
Answer 5
Artist: Title: Doric orderPeriod:
Question 6
Artist: Title: Period:
Answer 6
Artist: Title: Gigantomachy (Battle of the Gods)Period: Archaic Greek
Question 7
Artist: Title: Period:
Answer 7
Artist: Kleitias and Ergotimos Title: Francois VasePeriod: Archaic Greek
Question 8
Artist: Title: Period:
Answer 8
Artist: Exekias (potter and painter)Title: Ajax and Achilles Playing a Dice GamePeriod: Archaic Greek
Question 9
Artist: Title: Period:
Answer 9
Artist: Title: Kritios BoyPeriod: Classical
Question 10
Artist: Title: Period:
Answer 10
Artist: Title: Riace WarriorsPeriod: Classical
Question 11
Artist: Title: Period:
Answer 11
Artist: MyronTitle: Discus Thrower Period: Classical Greek
Question 12
Artist: Title: Period:
Answer 12
Artist: Polykleitos Title: Spear BearerPeriod: Classical Greek
Question 13
Artist: Title: Period:
Answer 13
Artist: Iktinos Title: Parthenon Period: Classical Greek
Question 14
Artist: Title: Period:
Answer 14
Artist: Title: Lapith Fighting a Centaur Period: Classical Greek
Question 15
Artist: Title: Period:
Answer 15
Artist: Title: Porch of the Maidens - CaryatidsPeriod: Classical Greek