Art Exam 1

Art Exam 1

22 cards   |   Total Attempts: 191

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An identifying mark based on pictorial (rather than typographic) sources. Also something (such as an object, picture, written word, sound, or particular mark) that represents something else.
The theory and study of meaning and purpose of signs and symbols, especially as elements of communication and their use or interpretation; the analysis of systems of communication, as language, gestures, or clothing.
A picture that represents an object primarily through its visual resemblance to that object. Literally: picture writing. Ex: hieroglyphics, cave paintings.
A character or symbol representing an idea or thing without expressing the pronunciation of a particular word or words for it, as in the traffic sign commonly used for “no parking”. Literally: idea writing.
A graphical element based primarily on letterforms that is created as an identifying mark (or trademark) to represent a company or organization. Its function is to be immediately recognized and associated with the organization it
represents. This is typically accomplished through widespread and repetitive advertising.
An image rendered in a simplified or exaggerated visual form that emphasizes particular design qualities according to a stylistic pattern rather than according to nature or tradition.
A trend or movement in the arts developing in the 1970s in reaction to or rejection of the dogma, principles, or practices of established modernism. Has at its heart a general distrust of grand theories and ideologies as well as a problematical relationship with any notion of “art.” Typical features include a deliberate mixing of different artistic styles and media, the selfconscious
use of earlier styles and conventions, and often the incorporation of images relating to the consumerism and mass communication of late 20thcentury postindustrial society. These people do not make a distinction between
“high” culture and popular culture.
Popular culture
Wide spread cultural patterns within a population; images, ideas and events commonly known and accepted in the everyday lives of the mainstream peoples of a cultural group; mass media communications have had a primary role in creating a commonality of popular culture in the U.S.
Pop Art
A style of visual art that developed in the late 1950s and early 1960s in Britain and the United States; based on the visual clichés, subject matter, and the impersonal style of popular mass-media imagery, especially as a critical or ironic comment on traditional fine art values. Was the first post-war art movement to embrace mass-media photographic imagery, and it employs techniques of commercial art and popular illustration. These people cared little about creating unique art objects and willingly indulged the media’s appetite for bright, attention-grabbing art. The term is applied specifically to works from the
mid 1950s and 1960s of a group of artists including Andy Warhol, Roy Lichtenstein, and Jasper Johns. They used images from comic books, advertisements, consumer products, television, and movies.
1) The action of taking something belonging to someone else for one's own use, typically without the owner's permission.
2) A practice in the visual arts of adopting, borrowing, or recycling aspects of man-made visual culture in the creation of new work. The borrowed elements
may include images, forms of styles from art history or popular culture, or materials and techniques from non-art contexts (often derogatory).
1) A means by which something is communicated or expressed; it is designated in visual art by the materials and techniques used. The term is also used to designate a general grouping of artworks, such as the medium of
sculpture, or the medium of photography.
2) Systems of communication that reach and/or influence populations ranging from local to global, such as radio, television, Internet, newspapers, and magazines.
Mixed Media
Art made using a combination of different media (materials and technical processes)
1) The quality in a person or society that arises from a concern for what is regarded as excellent in arts, letters, manners, scholarly pursuits, etc.
2) Development or improvement of the mind by education and exposure to human creative and intellectual achievements.
3) The set of shared attitudes, behaviors, beliefs, values and goals characteristic of a particular civilization, or a social, ethnic, or age group.
The distinct personality of an individual regarded as a persisting entity; a sense of self; continuity in personality; personal comprehension of oneself. Characteristics by which a person or thing is recognized or known.
1) A visual or tangible portrayal of something or someone that exists in the physical world; a likeness.
2) An image, object or symbol that stands for something or someone.
3) The description or portrayal of someone or something in a particular way.