ART 201 Photography Flashcards

Study for the ART 201 Photography I in a smart manner with these flashcards and revise the concepts related to it. Learn the important terms, definitions, and much more briefly with these flashcards quizzes.

69 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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Relative aperture
The size of the lens opening expressed as an f-number.
Lens speed
The maximum (largest) relative aperture of lens, such as f-2 or f-14.
Stopping down
The process of moving from a larger aperture (smaller f-number) to a smaller aperture (larger f-number).
Opening up
The process of moving from a smaller aperture (larger f-number) to a larger aperture (smaller aperture).
An International sequence of numbers expressing the relative apertures of a lens. It is the focal length of the lens divided by the effective aperture diameter. Each change of an f-stop setting halves or doubles image brightness.
Focal Plane shutter
A mechanism in a camera that allows light to strike the film by the action of a moving slit located in the back of a camera near the plane of focus.
Leaf shutter
A mechanism in a camera that allows light to strike the film as the result of opening a series of overlapping metal leaves. It is usually built into a lens.
Reciprocity law of exposure
A relationship between the length of exposure and the intensity of the light that states as long as the product of these two factors remains constant, the effect of exposure will be the same.
The distance behind a lens where the light waves intersect forming a sharp image. The act of adjusting a lens to produce a sharp image of the selected subject.
Focal Point
The point on a focused image where the rays of light intersect coming from the same point on the subject.
Circle of Confusion
A tiny circle of light formed by a lens as it projects the image of a single point of light from the subject. The smaller the circle of confusion the sharper the image will appear.
Depth of field
The distance between the closest and farthest points from a camera that are equally as sharp in the image defined by equal size circles of confusion.
Hyperfocal distance
The distance to the plane of sharpest focus when infinity is at the farthest plane of the depth of field.
Zone focusing
To preset the focus of your lens so that a particular action will take place within the depth of field.
Orthochromatic Film
Film that is sensitive to all wavelengths of light except red.