Architecture Monuments

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17 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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Question 1
What is this monument?
-Pyramids of Egypt, GIza
-Around 2500 BCE
-Biggest one = Khufu/Chiops
-First Egyptian architect = Imhotep
Question 2
What is this monument?
-Parthenon, Athens
-Built 450 - 430 BCE
-All made of marble
Question 3
What is this monument?
-Pantheon, Rome
-Built around 100 CE
-Circular skylight at top = oculus (only visible source of light)
Question 4
What is this monument?
-Hagia Sophia, Istanbul
-Built around 400 CE by Constantine the Great
-Huge central dome supported by several arched windows, 4 triangular piers, and exterior buttresses
Question 5
What is this monument?
-Angkor Watt, Cambodia
-Built in 12th century, during Khimer Empire
-Combination of temple mountain (lotus domes) and galleried temple (interior)
Question 6
What is this monument?
-Eiffel Tower, Paris
-Built in the late 1800s
-Made of puddle iron
-Architect: Gustave Eiffel, assisted by Maurice Koechlin (structural designer)
Question 7
What is this monument?
-Forbidden City, Beijing
-Built in the 1400s
-World's largest surviving palace complex
-exemplifies traditional Chinese palatial architecture (symmetry, width over height, colors with religious connotations)
Question 8
What is this monument?
-Hagia Sophia, Istanbul
-Constructed around 400 CE, by Constantine the Great
-Huge central dome supported by several arched windows, 4 triangular piers, and many buttresses (exterior)
Question 9
What is this monument?
-Imperial Palace, Kyoto
Question 10
What is this monument?
Machu Pichu, Peru
Question 11
What is this monument?
-Notre Dame de Paris
-Built in the 1200s
-Built in the Gothic style (buttresses, arches)
-Huge interior space, w/stained glass
-Architects: Pierre de Chelles, Eugene Violet le Du (2nd architect)
What is this monument?
-Palace of Versailles
-Built in 1600s
-Chief architect: Louis Le Vau
-Baroque palace architecture (gaudy, bright)
-Hall of Mirrors
What is this monument?
-Paris Opera (a.k.a. Palais Garnie)
-Commissioned by: Napoleon III, architect: Charles Garnier
-Built in late 1800s
-17 stories, 7 underground
What is this monument?
-Sagrada Familia, Barcelona
-Construction began in 1800s, continues to this day
-Architect: Gaudi
What is this monument?
-St. Basil's Cathedral, Moscow
-Buit in the mid-1500s
-Architects: Barma and Yakovlev
-8 symmetrical brick chapels (1 more added as tomb)
-Colorful onion domes