Architecture 249 Test 1 Flashcards

Prepare for the Architecture 249 Test 1 which consists of topics like Prehistoric Architecture, The Ancient Near East, Egypt, and Greece in a brief manner with these flashcards and revise the concepts related to it. Learn the important terms, definitions, and much more briefly with these quiz based flashcards quizzes.

83 cards   |   Total Attempts: 211

Cards In This Set

Front Back
Paleolithic Period
35,000 - 9,000/8,000 BCEOld Stone Agehunter-gatherersmall family groups and clans
Neolithic Period
New Stone Age9000/8000 BCEAgriculoute, domestication of animals, settled village life
Mudbrick (sun-dried brick)
Quick drying mudhardened with sun but deteriorates with waterused for walls
Large scale constructionuse of large stones and boulders
No use of mortarstones stacked jutting out a little more each layer
Intramural burial
Bodies burried togetherCatal Huyuk burried beneath the floorused for several generations for family members
Post and lintel
Type of construction with two up right pillars (posts) capped with one flat pillar (lintel)
Mortise and tenon
Mortise (holes beneath lintels) and tenon (pegs on top of posts)secured the joint
Mammoth-bone houses
Paleolithic Period (Old Stone Age)earliest huts constructed in Russian Plain 14,000 BCE
Question 10
Lascaux Cave, France 15,000 BCE
Question 11
Jericho, Israel 8,000 BCE
Question 12
Catal Huyuk , Turkey, 6500 - 5700 BCE
Question 13
Newgrange Passage Grave, Ireland 3100 BCE
Question 14
Stonehenge, England, 2900 - 1400 BCE
8000 BCefortified by thick walls, ditch and tower10 acrestwo room houses, sun-dried brick, lime plaster walls stained red, smooth and shiny