APUSH:Chapter 5- Chapter 6/3


121 cards   |   Total Attempts: 190

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Sharp drops in business activity accompained by rising unemployment
John Locke
English phlisopher who developed the theory of natural rights; wrote Two Treatises on civil government
Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom
Stated human mind was created free and government control over religion was tyrannical
Judith Sargent Murray
One of the first female playwrights in USA
Republican Motherhood
Offer moral guidence to husbands; educate children; ensure healthy future of the new republic
Benjamin Franklin
Early supporter of confederation of states; Poor Richards Almanac
Articles of Confederation
Document that created an association of states while guarenteeing each state its "sovereignty, freedom and independence"
Land Ordinance of 1785
Ordinance that marked off the land inot townships
Northwest ordinance
Established system for governing the northwest territory; land west of ohio river (free)
Daniel Shays
Former revolutionary war captain
Shays's Rebellion
(1786-1787) Farmers shut down debtors courts and stopped property auctions; spurred delegates to want to ammend articles of confederation
Articles of Confederation
(1781-1789) 13 articles, each state had one vote, 9/13 was required for legislative action, 13/13 required to ammend the articles themselves, No chief executive, No judicial branch, and congress was an assembly of delegates chosen by the states.
Powers of articles
Declare war/make peace; coin and barrow money; conduct foriegn policy and sign; treaties; opperate and maintain a postal system;
Powers denied by articles
Inforce its' own laws in the state;tax;regulate interstate trade and business; create and maintain a federal army and navy
State Sovereignty
Powers lie within the states