Apush Chapter 17- Set 1

AP US History Chapter 17 Vocabulary Terms

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Late 1800s. voluntary combining of two or more companies to create one company. thousands happened after the panic of 1893. Lead by JP Morgan
Late 1800s. Competitive system in which several large corporations dominated an industry by dividing the market so each business had a share of it. More prevalent than monopolies. The norm by 1920s.
Late 1800s. Exclusive control and domination by a single business entity over an entire industry through ownership, command of supply, or other means. Organized holding companies and trust to raise profits
Holding Companies 
Late 1800s. Companies that hold a majority of another company's stock in order to control the management of that company. 
An illegal arrangement made between business leaders in an industry to set prices above a certain level. Largely replaced by mergers in the late nineteenth century.
Late 1800s- early 1900s. Large business mergers in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. These combinations became a problem because their size allowed them to inhibit competition and control the market for their products. 
1800s. A A practice by which a railroad would gibe money back to its favored customers, rather than charging them lower prices, so that it could appear to be charging a flat rate for everyone. This practice was one of the chief complaints small farmers had about railroads. 
Laissez- faire
Late 1800s. A theory that the economy should be governed by the rules of the market and government had an obligation not to intervene in economic affairs. Fundamental creed in late 1800s, but government was very pro business (ended strikes, high tariffs)