Apush Chapter 16- Set 5

Chapter 16 Vocab terms.

7 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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1880s began to supress indian rituals believe it would reunite them with friends and relatives in the ghost world, if they keep dancing they would be the only ones left- nature restoredsettlers fear lead to wounded knee
Ghost Dance 1890
Us army sent to round up 350 starving sioux (ghost dancers)whoever fired he first shot? ended in 200 indians dead form machine gun
Wounded knee 1890
Absorption of dominant cultural values and customs by a minority group. immigration groups and indians throughout us history has struggled with pressures to assimilate into us society 
2000-5000 heard of cattle, go from tx to northern railheads. 5 mill longhorn in texas but not worth anything there.industrial expansion in east and midwest created a market for the beef. Joseph mcCoy made stockyards at abilene kansas- railhead of the kansas pacific railroad
Cattle Drives 1866- 1887
Chisholm Trail, Goodnight loving trail, the western trail, and the sedalia and baxter springs trails.
Long Drives
Grasslands of public land on the great plains where ranchers could graze their cattle for free. ended where farmers moved and fenced off the area 1880s
Open Range Ranching 1866- late 1880s
First barded wire, allowed farmers to fence of land 
Joseph Glidden 1873