Apush Chapter 16- Set 3

Chapter 16 Vocab terms.

7 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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Settlers could buy 640 acres at 1.25 an acre if they irrigated part of their land within three years
Desert Act
Land unfit for farming went to logger and miners. 160 acre for 2.50 an acreone use and no more than 160 acresfraud led to major companies acquiring 1000s of acres
Timber and Stone Act 1878
Add to Department of Interior in 1849. Responsible for distributing land, making payments, and overseeing the shipment of supplies.it was corrupt and lead to more conflict between whites and indians
Bureau of Indian Affairs 1824
Little resistance when Gen Stephen Kerny took over during Mex- Amer War. Resistance from poorer mexicans and Pueblo Indians. Taos Rebellion- largest, led by Jesus Trujillo and Tomasitohigh coast to indegenous people
Taos Rebellion 1847
Divided Indian Territory into defined reservations for each tribe through individual treaties. negotiated with random indians (not leaders). wanted to divide the indians for easier control
"Concentration" Indian Policy 1851- 1867
Division of all tribes into two large reservations- one in India Territory (oklahoma), one in the Dakotas
What happened to Indian Reservations in 1867
Massacre of women children and men by colorado militia in colorado. Cheyenne and Apache where forced to leave their gov guaranteed land when gold was found. Force to small area*** settlers wanted that too so John Chivington lead is troops there and slaughtered and mutilated the sleeping Indians (band of Cheyenne) "kill and scalp all, big and little"
Sand Creek Massacre 1864