17 cards   |   Total Attempts: 190

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Question 1
Cartoon that is warning that unrestricted immigration will allow dangerous radicals to enter United States. Shows the immigrant with head as a bomb to show that America does not want any 'radical' immigrant ideas.
Question 2
This shows an ad placed by a steel company announces that their workers' strike has failed. They announce in several different languages because employees are all different in races and ethnicities.
Question 3
Mahatma Ghandi was the leader of the nonviolence movement for independence in India. He was one who was upset with the Treaty of Versailles failure
Question 4
Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti outside the courthouse. They are surrounded by security agents and onlookers.The judge is about to sentence them to death even though they were not convicted guilty with justice. Shows impact of Red Scare and hate towards anarchists
Question 5
This is an advertisement (for a refrigerator) that promises consumer goods will allow American's to fulfill their desires and own anything they want. This shows how America's economy and society were shifting into a more advanced mindset.
Question 6
This picture portrays the spread of the telephone network that has transitioned into the nation's transforming job opportunities. this is also shows how women were gaining more freedoms because they could obtain an office job. this picture shows how America's industry was shifting from large factory jobs to small office jobs during the 20s
Question 7
During the 20s, the radio became a top source of information being able to be spread and was a way to promote celebrities as role models. almost every citizen was able to purchase such a luxury because of the new consumer society
Question 8
This shows that not every American citizen experienced the same prosperity as everyone else. Farmers were one major group that actually suffered in the 1920s.
Question 9
This cartoon shows the machine-age mind set of the 1920s. This artist was able to find artistic beauty in Henry Ford's automobile assembly factory. this shows how much America's society and economy was shifting into an advanced technology age.
Question 10
This picture is portraying the new global appeal of the "new woman" during the 1920s. the Japanese woman is depicted sitting alone in a nightclub, wearing Western clothing, makeup, and hairstyle. the title suggests that the artist does not approve of the girl's behavior, but shows her as confident.
Question 11
Many American authorities were not at all welcoming to the uprising of the "new woman." Men felt that they had control over what women wore. This shows the struggles of women trying to readjust their freedoms during this decade
Question 12
This was an advertisement aimed at the "new woman". it tried to advertise cigarettes by saying that it was a symbol of female independence.
Question 13
This cartoon criticizes the Supreme Courts decision declaring unconstitutional law establishing minimum wage for women.
Question 14
Image shows the dynamic style of evangelic preachers. this was Billy Sunday, one of the most prominent leaders of the Fundamentalists. edf
Question 15
This shows two police officers pouring confiscated liquor down a sewer shortly after the advent of the Prohibition. the authorities were very serious about this ban.