Developmental Psychology Terms Flashcards

Learn, Study, and Revise the key terms, words, and definitions in developmental psychology with our flashcards quizzes. Learn key terms, vocabulary, and much more related to developmental psychology with the help of our flashcards quizzes with ease. ​

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List the 5 subgroups of Pervasive Developmental Disorder
1. Autism 2. Aspergers 3. Rett's 4. Childhood Disintegrative Disorder 5. Pervasive Develp. Dis. Not Otherwise Specified
What is Autism?
6 criteria/3 domains in DSM-IV 1. Social Interaction 2. Communication 3. Repetitive, restrictive and sterotypic beh. patterns
List 8 behavior deficits
Play, Adaptation, Language, Motor Skills, School skills, executive functioning, set shifting, perspective taking
List 5 behavioral excesses
Aggression, Tantrums, Non-compliance, Sterotypy, Self Injury
What is ABA
ABA is the application of principles of behavior to the issues that are socially important to produce practical change
Social Interaction for Autism in the DMS-IV includes:
Social Interaction: No relationships, lack of seeking to share enjoyment, and impairment in non-verbal behavior
Communication for Autism in the DSM-IV includes:
Communication: delay in spoken language, repetitive use of language, impaired make-believe play
Repetitive, restrictive, and sterotypic behavior for Autism in the DSM-IV
Repeated use of motor mannerisms, inflexible routines, prooccupations with parts of objects
What is bahavior analysis
Science of behavior based upon the principles of learning and motivation studied by B.F. Skinner
Core principle of ABA
Desirable consequences increase behavior Undesirable consequences decrease behavior
Skill repertoire buliding is:
Change the antecedents and conseq. to increase appropiate behavior.
Behavior Management is:
Change the antecedents and conseq. to decrease inappropiate behavior.
What is the three term contingency?
A -Antecedent B -Behavior C -Consequence
What is a discrete trial?
1. An instructional technique used in ABA that has a clear beginning and an end 2. Made of the 3-term contingency
Definition of a stimulus
Anything that one sees, hears, feels, tastes, smells