AP2 Miracle of Life Quiz Material

Quiz material for reproductive system

25 cards   |   Total Attempts: 189

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How many eggs are found in a female ovary?
1/4 of a million
Where does fertilization take place within the female reproductive tract?
The Fallopian Tube
What is the size of an egg right after fertilization?
Size of a grain of sand
What is the function of the cilated cells that line the Fallopian Tubes
Maintains constant gentle motions that moves the egg along
What is the size of the inside of the Fallopian Tube?
2x the thickness of a human hair
How long does it take the egg to travel the length of the tube?
3-4 days
How long does the egg have to join with the sperm after ovulation?
24 hours
How many people are born in the world each year?
128 Million
Where are sperm stored?
How long is the urethra in males?
7-8 inches
What prevents urination during sexual arousal in males?
A valve (possibly called the Internal Urethral Sphincter)
What is the total length of the seminiferous tubules in the testes?
700 feet
How many sperm are produced in a 24 hour period?
100 Million
When are sperm most efficiently produced?
Several degrees below normal body temperature.
How many sperm does the average man produce in his reproductive lifetime?
400 Billion