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![]() Woodrow Wilson |
28th Pres.
Democratic candidate 1912 election
from south, President of Princeton, Gov of NJ - didn't back down to political bosses
Intellectual - didn't like stupid senators, great speaker, most comfortable with academics, stubborn, pushed for social reform
Herbert Croly
Wrote The Promise of American Life (1910}inspired Roosevelt’s New Nationalism stated
government should control the bad trusts, leaving the good trusts alone and free to operate. |
Eugene V. Debs
Socialist Eugene V. Debs racked up over 900,000 popular votes
Arsene Pujo
chaired House committee which traced the tentacles of the “moneymonster” into the hidden vaults of American banking and business.
Victoriano Huerta
Full-blooded Indian General - installed as President of Mexico after 1913 revolt...Wilson refused to recognize him, allowed arms to go to Huerta's rivals (Carranza & Pancho Villa)
New Nationalism
Teddy Roosevelt's platform: Government should control bad trusts, federal regulatory agencies, also supported broad social programs and female suffrage
New Freedom
Wilson's Platform -
many progressive reforms. Strong anti-trust banking reform, tariff reduction
1912 Election
Taft (3rd)- Republican, Roosevelt(2n) - Progressive, Wislon Democrat, Debbs- Socialist
Wilson Won - even though he didn't have majoriry of popular vote. first election that gave voters choice over political & economic principles. Democrats controlled Congress Progressive ideas ultimate winner
Wilson's philosophies
Believed in public if they were properly educated, didn't like US interference in other countries - believed they should determine their own future
Underwood Tariff
Substantially reduced import fees
and enacted a graduated income tax |
Louis Brandeis
1st Jewish American Supreme Court Justice
William Taft
The only U.S. president to be appointed Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, when he was nominated in
1921. |
Federal Reserve Act
Created Federal Reserve Board,
had the power to issue paper money (“Federal Reserve Notes”). .. this solved the problem with inelastic currency. Gov't cvould issue paper money when needed to increase amount of in circulation |
Clayton Anti-Trust Act
Helped labor -exempted labor unions from being called trusts... now legal to strike.
Union leader Samuel Gompers called it Magna Carter of labor
Wilsonian policies
Federal Farm Loan Act of 1916, Warehouse Act of 1916, highway construction, labor reguations (outlaw cat of 9 tails), Workingman's compensation Act, restricitons on child labor. Everyne except blacks benefitted - Wilson pushed for more segreation