AP Psychology Terms

Studying for the AP Psych Exam.

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Aaron Beck's view of depression
Due to unrealistic, negative views about the world
Absolute Threshold
Smallest detectable level of stimulus
Achievement vs. Aptitude Test
Achievement- test of developed skill or knowledgeaptitude- test that measures ability to learn, etc
Action vs. Resting Potential
Action potential- happens when a neuron is firedresting potential- membrane potentials w/out action potentials, synaptic potentials, etc
Acuity- Vision
Clarity of one's vision
Afferent Neurons vs. Efferent Neurons
Afferent- carry nerve impulses from receptors to the CNSefferent- transmit signals from the CNS to the effector cells
Agonist vs. Antagonist Chemicals
Agonist- binds to a receptor of a cell and triggers a responseantagonist- binds to a receptor of a cell and blocks responses
Ainsworth Strange Situation (Paradigm)
- used to observe attachment relationships between caregivers and a child
Albert Bandura:1. Major View on Learning2. Bobo Doll Experiment
1. Social Learning Theory: learning occurs due to imitation2. Two sets of children watched two different videos; the groups that watched adults kicking/ punching a doll did the same when in a room with the doll.
Albert Ellis- Rational Emotive Therapy (RET)
Focuses on uncovering irrational beliefs which may lead to unhealthy negative emotions and replacing them with more productive rational alternatives
Alfred Adler- inferiority complex
A feeling the one is inferior to others in some way; can arise from imagines OR actual inferiority
A precise rule (or set of rules) specifying how to solve a problem
All-or nothing law (all-or-none) of neural firing
Once a neuron fires, it can only fire at full charge (no partial firing)
The quality of unselfish concern for the welfare of others
American Psychological Association (APA)
Scientific and professional organization that represents psychologists in the United States