AP Gov Chapter 13

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41 cards   |   Total Attempts: 190

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A person ordinarily becomes a candidate for representative or senator by
Running in primary elections
Whereas the principal work of a parliament is debate, that of a congress is
Representation and action
Contemporary critics of Congress disagree with the Framers' vision of Congress in that the critics
Wish to end policy gridlock by making Congress capable of speedily adopting sweeping changes in national policies
In the twentieth century, the trend in congressional decision-making has been toward
Until 1913 senators were
Picked by state legislatures
Which amendment changed the manner in which United States senators are selected?
Originally, filibusters were sixteenth century
The typical representative or senator is
All of the above
1994, Native American Ben Nighthorse Campbell
Was elected to the Senate
In the 1860s, being a congressman was not regarded as a "cereer" because
All of the above
Serving in Congress became a career by the
When a state attempted to impose term limits on its own members of Congress
The Supreme Court struck down the effort
Political scientists define a safe district as one where the incumbent recieved ____ percent or more of the vote in the previous election.
A new Congress convenes every _____ years.
The evidence that the electoral fortunes of members of Congress are shaped by the redrawing of congressional districts is
Striking, but anecdotal