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A slab forming the top of the capital of a column
Works of art that may have form, but have little or no attempt at pictorial representation
A style of painting and sculpture produced under the influence of European academies or universities
Academic art
An institution whose main object is to train artists in an academic tradition, ennoble profession, and hold exhibitions
A paint containing acrylic resin
An abstract painting in which the artist drips or splatters paint onto a surface like a canvas in order to create his or her work.
Action painting
Landscapes that give the illusion of distance
Aerial perspective (atmospheric)
Sense of beauty
A work of art that possesses a symbolic meaning in addition to a literal interpretation
A painted or sculpted panel set atop an altar of a church
Piers alternate with pairs of columns. the alternating piers and columns divide the nave into vertical units
Alternate support system
A passageway around the apse or altar of a church
Having a prostyle, or set of columns, at each end but none along the sides
Amphiprostyle (temple)
A two handled greek storage jar
Reducing of natural forms to their basic geometrical parts
Analytic cubism