A&P 2: Lab Exam 2 Review Flashcards

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Erythrocyte glycoproteins may also be called ____ or _____
Antigens or Agglutinogens
Antigens that cause an immune system response are called___________
Non-self Antigens
_______(2) are present in the serum fraction of blood plasma and are produced by the immunse system to bind to non-self antigens
Antibodies or Agglutinins
Clumping of donor erythrocytes due to immune reaction
Destruction of donor erythrocytes
Are there pre-formed anti-Rh antibodies?
What happens when Rh- individuals who are exposed to Rh+ blood?
They become sensitized and start to produce anti-Rh antibodies
An Rh+ fetus with an Rh- mother, who has been sensitized to Rh+, is at risk for what condition (2) ? which involves what?
Erythroblastosis Fetalis or Hemolytic Disease / Mother's immune system kills fetus's erythrocytes.
The Upper Respiratory System includes (2)
Nose and Pharynx
The nose is made up of _____ and ____cartilage
Bone and Hyaline Cartilage
Inhaled air first passes through the _______ and into the ________
External Nares / Nasal Cavity
The nasal cavity is devided into the left and right halves by the _______, which is composed of what parts (3)
Nasal Septum / Hyaline Cartilage, Vomer, Perpendicular Plate of Ethmoid bone.
This separates the Nasal Cavity from the Oral Cavity.....and is composed of what? (2)
Hard Palate / Palatine Bones and Palatine Process of the Maxillae
This is posterior to the hard palate and muscular
Soft Palate
This allows the mucous membranes that line the nasal cavity to warm the air and helps trap pathogens and particulate matter in the mucus.
Nasal Concha (Superior, Middle, and Inferior)