Anti Money Laundering Flashcards

Here are some Anti Money Laundering definitions, terms, and much more in the form of flashcards. Get the best knowledge regarding the Anti Money Laundering with the help of Flashcards. Learn with fun and Grow.

23 cards   |   Total Attempts: 193

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Front Back
What government agency is repsponsible for administering the BSA
FinCEN (Financial Crimes Enforecement Network)
When does a CTR (currency transation report) need to be filed?
Within 15 days following the day on which the reportable transaction occured
Penalty for individuals who violate the BSA
Up to 20 years in prison & 500,000 in fines
SEction 314 of the USA Patriot ACT requires
Information sharing from financial institutions and regulators to law enforcement when formally requrested through FinCEN
Currency is
Coin and paper money of the US or any other country as long as it customarily accepted as money in the country of issue
A payroll customer frequently
Withdrawals more than 10K cash to pay US employees in currency
SARS are reported to
SARS must be maintaine for
5 years

Documentation of customer verification must be maintained for
5 years
Financial institutions must cross check customer identities with
Government lists for known or suspected terrorists or terrorist organizations
The Bank Secrecy Act was enacted in
If a search for requested info returns no results....
The institutions does not need to reply to the request
When should supporting documentation for a SAR by provided?
When requesting by law enforecement
When should supporting documentation for a SAR by provided?
When requesting by law enforecement
How long must covered financial institutions maintain CTRs (currency transaction report)
5 yeras