Anthropology Quiz #3

Anthropology Quiz #3

12 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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Free Trade
Trade between countries, free from governmental restrictionsor duties.
Free Trade Zones
Areas where government does not interfere
Northern Atlantic Free Trade Agreement: agreement signed by the United States, Canada and Mexico with the purpose of lowering tariff barriers over a 15-year period
World Bank
An international banking organization established to control the distribution of economic aid among member nations, and to make loans to them in times of financial crisis
International Monetary Fund: money given to underdeveloped countries in exchange of modernization
Debt Bondage
Similar to slavery where human beings are unable to control their lives or their work due to unpaid debts
Having or showing belief in the need for economic growth in addition to traditional liberalistic values, minimal government regulation
Neo or recolonialism
Countries become independent, but get into severe debt that they must need other countries
Structural Adjustment Programs: set by World Bank finances big projects which would lead to more debt
Selling countries resources to large corporations
Process of removing constraints, especially government imposed economic regulation
Trade Liberalization
Reduction of tariffs and trade barriers to permit more foreign competition and foreign investment in the economy.