Anthropology Lab Exam 1

Covers evolution, genetics, anatomy, and forensics

41 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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What is evolution?
A change in gene frequency within a population over time, caused by one or more evolutionary forces.
What are the preconditions of natural selection?
Mode of inheritance- The trait in question must be inherited
Variation among individuals- Trait in question must show variation between individuals
Environmental pressure- The environment must exert pressure on the trait.
What is natural selection?
A primary factor causing evolutionary change in populations, in which individuals whose inherited traits allow them to better survive and/or reproduce contribute more offspring to the subsequent generation.
What dictates whether or not a trait is advantageous?
The environment.
What is mutation?
Inherited change in the DNA sequence; the only evolutionary force to introduce new variation into the gene pool.
Where must a mutation take place if it is to have evolutionary significance?
The gametes.
What is a point mutation?
Type of mutation in which one or up to a few bases is/are mistakenly out place in the DNA.
What is genetic drift?
Random fluctuations in gene frequency of a population between generations; particularly in a small population, gene frequencies do not accurately represent those of the parental population.
What is gene flow?
Movement of genes from one population's gene pool to another, causing change in gene frequencies of both former and new gene pools.
What are the characteristics of a somatic cell?
Cells making up the structural composition of the body; all cells other than gametes; possess the diploid chromosome number.
What is microevolution?
Change in the frequencies of an allele in a population.
What are the characteristics of gametes?
Haploid cells that pass on genetic material to offspring at fertilization; sperm and egg cells.
What are the differences between a prokaryote and a eukaryote?
A prokaryote is generally a single celled organism. It does not have a true nucleus. Example: Bacteria.
A eukaryote has many cells and a true nucleus enclosed in a membrane.
In a human, how many chromosomes would a diploid cell have?
In a human, how many chromosomes would a haploid cell have?