Anthro Quiz #2

Anthropology unit 2 quiz vocab terms

34 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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Transformative capacity- ability to transform a given situation. involves element of control and social-psychological component
How is power put into action?
Must be relational. there must be two players, and there must be potential of one to enact or cause the transformation on the other
What are the four modalities of power?
Power of potency, interpersonal power, organizational power, structural power
Power of potency
Potential power that resides in the individual
Interpersonal power
Ability of on individual to enforce their will on another
Organizational power
How individuals of social units can limit actions of others in certain settings.
Structural power
Organizes social settings themselves and controls allocation of social labor.
3 phases of political anthropology
Formative, classic, power inequality
Collective social idea of a group
Coercive rule
Enforcing a dominant ideology onto a group of people
Deep separation thats workers experience between their identity and the labor they are forced to perform
"state of rootlessness and normless-ness in a society"
How do anomie and alienation differ?
They are different orders of things: one looks at social management issue (alienation?)
World view
Encompassing picture or reality created by members of society that are conflicting or contrasting aspects based on experience