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Bones of foot:
Calcaneus, talus, Navicular, cuboid, first cuneiform,second cuneiform, third cuneiform
Calcaneus has:
Sustentaculum tali (part of talus)
-medial sup part
-projects out of rest
-support medial side of talus
-three tendons loop around, changin direction, from post leg to plantar foot.
1-5 medial to lateral
1 & 5 are weight bearing bones
2,3,4 are not weight bearing
Same composition of hand
Great toe=1st digit (prox & distal)
2 through 5 "Four lesser toes"
(prox,midd,distal phalanx)
Functional aspects:
Hindfoot: talus &calcaneus, first in gait
midfoot: Navicular, cuboid & cuneiforms, provide satability & mobility.
forefoot: metatarsal & phalanges, adpts level ground
three major functions of foot:
1) shock absorption
2) adapt to level of ground
3) provide stable base of support to propel body forward.
Joints and Motions:
DF, PF, Sup (inversion), Pron (eversion), ADD,ABD
Supination (PF, INV,ADD)
Pronation (DF,EVER, ABD)
Tibiofibular joint:
Superior tibiofibular:
uniaxial plane joint
joint capsule
reinforced by liganents
Tibiofibular joint:
Inferior tibiofibular joint
Sydesmosis (fibrous union)
no joint capsule
fibrous tissue separ bones& hold joint together
Subtalar Joint=Talocalcaneal Joint
Inf surface of talus
super surf of calcaneus
comb: (INV,EV)
Ankle Joint=Talocrural=Talotibial
-tenon and mortise joint
-uniaxial (PF, DF)
-axis of Rotation at angle
-through all three planes
-INV,EV at subtalar & Transv tarsal joint
Transverse tarsal Joint=Midtarsal Joint
anterior talus & calcaneus
Post navicular & cuboid
comb of movemts of pron, supin.
Foot Joints:
-MTP: Metatarsal heads & Prox phal, 5 joints,Flx , ext, ABB,ADD,
-2-5 : PIP, DIP less mobile.
-Great toe: IP most mobile