What Are the Basic Science Behind Animal Protection and Culture Flashcards

65 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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Animal Agriculture
Production and use of animals for human consumption.
Animal Rights
Supporters believe animals should not be used for research, agriculture, companions, or entertainment.
Animal Welfare Act (AWA)
Regulates the care and treatment of animals in research facilities, dealers, exhibits, and transportation.
Bird species
Use of living organisms to make or modify products. Increases reproduction, clone sheep, increase milk production, etc.
Animals in same species but differ from others within same species (Dog vs Boxer vs Great Dane)
Breed Character
Physical characteristics that differentiate between breeds (color, size, coat type, etc.)
Domestic Animal
Thrives in environment of close human contact. Bred ovre generations to benefit humans.
Study of animal behavior and well-being as related to the environment.
Domesticated animals that have returned to the wild state. Still genetically the same as domestic relatives.
Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) of the United Nations
Promotes agricultural development throughout the world.
Group of animals that are born around the same time.
Generation Interval
Average time between birth of parents and birth of their offspring
Science of how characteristics are passed on through generations.
Preference of some species to remain in a group.