Animal Science Multiple Choice 3

19 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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How does the occurrence of mastitis affect the cow
Decreases milk production, somatic cell count increases
A protective tissue response caused by the host immune system in response to bacterial infection amoung other things is known as
What does CMT stand for
California maastitis test
What is the best precaution a dairy producer should take to control mastitits in the herd
Teat dipping before and after milking
When mastitis occurs in a dairy herd, how is the dairy producer affected
Decrease in profit
S. agalactiae and S. aureus account for what percent of mastitis cases in cows
What is the function of a leukocyte and phagocyte
To combat and destroy foreign bacteria
This is called the amount of time from conception until birth of an animal
This is a hormone producecd during gestation and parturiion that triggers lactation
In the process of parturition stage 2 concludes with
Birth of a fetus
What must take place for lactation to begin
The female reproductive organ where semen is placed during natural insemination is called
The female repoductive organ that is y shavped and is where the fetus develops is called
Which organ produces fluid that is part of the semen
Seminal glands
The production of sperm is called