Animal Phylum Flashcards

Start Studying Animal Phylum with our easy and simple quiz-based flashcard quizzes. Learn key terms, vocabulary, and definitions, and much more of the Animal Phylum with the help of our flashcards quizzes with ease.

6 cards   |   Total Attempts: 196

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Sponges Rank 1
Answer 1
-sea sponge, siliceous sponge, and sea sponge -Cellular level of organization (no true tissues) -Cells totipotent (capable of developing into a complete organism or differentiating into any tissue in the organism) -Choanocytes drive water through aquiferous system -Sessile suspension feeders -Some possess skeletal elements called spicules
Cnidarians Rank2
Answer 2
-jellyfish, coral, hydra, and sea anemones -Possess ectoderm and endoderm (diploblastic) -Radial symmetry -Possess Cnidae (commonly called nematocysts or stinging cells) -Two-way gut -No head, central nervous system, discrete gas exchange, excretory or circulatory systems -Possess a nerve net
Flatworms Rank 3
Answer 3
-tapeworms, flukes, and planaria -Unsegmented worms -Triploblastic, acoelomate -Bilateral symmetry -Complex but two-way gut -Cephalized nervous system -Possess primitive excretory and osmosregulatory structures -Typically hermaphroditic
Roundworms Rank 4
Answer 4
-whipworms, hookworms, and pinworms -Triploblastic, bilateral, vermiform and pseudocoelomate -Body covered in cuticle which must be molted -Cephalic sense organs called amphids -Six lips with sense organs surround mouth -Unique excretory system but no special circulatory or gas exchange systems -Gonochoristic
Annelids Rank 5
Answer 5
-bristle worm and earthworms -Schizocoelomate, bilaterally symmetrical -Segmented -Complete digestive tract with regional specialization -Closed circulatory system -Cerebral ganglion and ventral nerve cord -Paired, bundled setae on each segment
Mollusks Rank 6
Answer 6
-snails, clams, octopuses, tusk shells, and chitons -Coelomate, bilaterally symmetrical (secondary asymmetry) -Principle body cavity a hemocoel -Mantle covers body (thickened epidermis which secretes the shell, when present) -Shell made of calcareuos material -Muscular foot -Buccal region with radula -Complete gut