Animal Cell Organelles

A flashcard set about 10 different organelles in an animal cell.

10 cards   |   Total Attempts: 189

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What is a nucleus?
The nucleus is the "brain" of the cell. The nucleus controls everything that happens.
What is a cell membrane?
The cell membrane is the protective layer of a cell. It allows the cell to shift forms, too.
What is the mitochondria?
The mitochondria is the "powerhouse" of the cell. It creates chemical energy for the cell, and it spreads the energy out through the entire cell.
What is the cytoplasm?
The cytoplasm is a gooey, thick liquid that holds the organelles in place.
What is the rough endoplasmic reticulum?
The rough E.R is the "highway" of the cell. It transports everything around, and it is "rough" because it has ribosomes attached.
What is the smooth endoplasmic reticulum?
The smooth E.R is the "highway" of the cell. It transports everything around, and it is "smooth" because it has nothing attached to it.
What is the nucleolus?
The nucleolus is the inside of a nucleus, and it creates rRNA.
What is the nuclear membrane?
The nuclear membrane is the protective skin around the nucleus. If being related to the human body, the nuclear membrane would be our skull.
What is the vacuole?
The vacuole is the organelle that holds water and food for the cell.
What are ribosomes?
A particle made of protein and RNA. It is attached to the rough E.R and floats around freely in the cytoplasm.