Animal Anesthesia (lecture)

SPC ATE 2611 Animal Amesthesia (Dr. Krall)

472 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

Cards In This Set

Front Back
What is an unbiased description of a patient's illness best described as
The history
Where is the pulse rate most commonly evaluated over in the dog
The femoral artery
Which dog breed has a ectomorph appearnce that is considered normal
The greyhound
What is another name for the nictitating membrane
The third eyelid
What is uveitis
Inflammation of the iris and cillary body
What is a proptosis
A protrusion of the eye from the socket
What is the structure of the eye that will reflect light
In what type of dogs is dffiuclt breathing due to stenotic (constricted) nares comonly seen in
What is epistaxis
Bleeding from the nose
What is glossitis
The inflammation of the tongue
What is periodontitis
Inflammation of the structures surrounding the tooth
What is a fistula (relating to the oral and nasal areas)
The permanent opening connecting the two cavities
What is epulis
A benign growth in the mouth
What can using plastic ear speculums in an ear examination do that you must be cautious about
It can transport infectious agents such as bacteria and mites
What is distichiasis
A malpositioned eyelash