Anesthesia Vaporizers

Anesthesia Vaporizers

32 cards   |   Total Attempts: 189

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1. inhaled anesthetic agents are __ __ that change easily from a __ state to __ state** they remain primarily in what state at room temp?2. the gaseous phase of a substance that is __ at room temp and atm pressure3. vapor pressure= the pressure exerted by a __ in ___ with its ___ state4. the number of vapor molecules will remain constant under what condition?5. substance with high vapor pressure at normal temp is said to be ___
1. volatile liquids/ liquid --> gaseous2. vapor / liquid3. vapor/ equilibrium/ liquid4. temp remains constant5. volatile
1. how does increasing or decreasing the temp affect the vapor pressure?2. vapor pressure is independent of __ __ and is contingent only on what?3. passing a carrier gas over the liquid shifts the equilibrium toward the __ __-- the heat of vaporization is supplied from what?-- this causes what?
1. dcrs'd temp will dcrs vapor pressure- incr temp will incr vapor pressure2. independent of atm pressure and is contingent only on the physical characteristics of the liquid and temp3. vapor phase-- the remaining liquid-- a drop in temp
Boiling Point1. def = temp at which the __ __ equals __ __2. the most volatile agents are those with what kind of vapor pressures?-- which agent has the highest vapor pressure?3. the pressure exerted by a specific gas alone?-- this depends on what?4. the highest partial pressure that can be exerted by a gas at a given temp
1. vapor pressure = atmospheric pressure2. highest saturated vapor pressures for any given temp, and thus, the lowest B.P.-- Desflurane3. partial pressure-- temperature of the gas and is unaffected by the total pressure above the liquid4. vapor pressure
1. ratio of volumes percent2. volumes percent expresses the relative __; while partial pressure expresses an __ __3. define heat of vaporization4. what happens to temp of a liquid during vaporization?5. this change can affect vaporizer output how?
1. partial pressure/ total pressure2. ratio/ absolute value3. number of calories to change 1gm of liquid into a vapor4. temp decreases (in absence of outside energy source)5. reduce vaporizer output
1. define specific heat2. a high specific heat will require more or less energy to raise the temp?3. specific heat of water? (standard)
**S.H. is important when considering the amt of heat that must be supplied to a liquid anesthetic to maintain a stable temp when heat is lost during vaporization**
4. do temp changes occur more quickly for materials with high or low S.H.?
1. the amt of heat (calories) needed to raise the temp of 1gm (or 1ml) of substance 1 degree C2. more energy (or heat)3. 1cal/gm/C or 1cal/ml/C4. low S.H.
1. measure of speed with which heat flows thru a substance 2. heat is better conducted thru material with high or low thermal conductivity?3. why must heat be supplied to liquid anesthetic agent in a vaporizer?4. __ transfers heat well; __ and __ transfer heat poorly
1. thermal conductivity2. high3. to maintain temp d/t vaporization heat loss4. metal/ glass and air
1. 2 primary functions of a vaporizer2. they produce a __ __ concentration of anesthetic agent-- accomplished in 1 of what 2 ways?3. 3 names for bypass type
1. - provides environment where liquid agent can change to vapor- controls the temperature2. clinically useful-- splitting the gas flow in the vaporizer (splitting ratio) OR diluting the gas after it passes thru the vaporizer chamber3. variable bypass concentration calibrated vaporizertec-type vaporizers
Vaporizer Classification1. 2 types r/t arriving at the correct amt of vapor2. 2 types based on temp controlling
1. electronic = volume of carrier gas needed is determined by a computer, and sends the carrier gas thru the vaporizing chamber to produce the desired anesthetic agent concentrationinjection = calculates amt of liquid agent and injects that liquid agent into the breathing system or fresh gas flow2. gas-vapor blender: heat produces vapor which is injected into fresh gas flowtemperature compensated: equipped with automatic devices to ensure constant vaporizer output over wide range of ambient temps
1. what is used to maximize the surface area of carrier gas to liquid agent?2. saturated carrier gas exits the vaporizer chamber and combines with fresh gas in the __ __3. vaporized mixture flows out of manifold to what?
1. system of wicks2. bypass channel3. common gas outlet
Bi-Metallic Strip1. acts as a __ __ __2. consists of what?3. they expand/ contract differently based on the temp allow diff amts of vapor thrua. warmer temp causes what?b. cooler temp causes what?**4. net effect?**
1. thermostatically controlled valve2. 2 diff metals bonded together 3a. high pressure in vaporizing chamberbi-metallic strip leans to the right --> incr flow thru bypass chamber and less thru vaporizerb. vapor pressure decreases, bimetallic strip leans to left --> allows more flow thru vaporizer4. constant flow thru the vaporizing chamber
1. what are the differences btw variable bypass and measured flow vaporizers?2. 2 names for "measured flow" vaporizers-- no longer available in US
1. variable bypass = vaporizer determines carrier gas split-- the carrier gas "flows over" liquid agentmeasured flow = operator determines carrier gas split-- "bubble thru" liquid agent2. kettle-type and Vernitrol
1. vaporizers are mounted to the machine via what?2. it serves as a ___ for fresh gas to flow3. if a vaporizer is turned on, the fresh gas takes a ___ into the __ to pick up agent and then continues on thru the ___4. vaporizers are installed on a pair of ___ ___ ___ located in the vaporizer manifold-- when vaporizer is off or not installed?-- when vaporizer is on?
1. manifold2. passageway3. detour/ vaporizer/ manifold4. two-way port valves-- each port valve is closed (prevents gas from escaping into room or into unused vaporizer)-- port valves are pressed open
1. 2 or 3 agent vaporizers can be mounted, but what 4 manifold safety features are present?
1. - vaporizers must be mounted securely to prevent leakage into room- only one vaporizer can be turned on at a time- prevention against accidentally brushing/ turning on vaporizer/ dial release button must be pressed to allow concentration dial to turn- interlocking rods/ interlocking slide bar for 3 vaporizers
1. what pushes interlocking rods out to the side?2. what can be used on a 3 station manifold when the middle vaporizer is missing?
1. dial release button is pushed2. interlock slide bar
Effects of Intermittent Back Pressure --> Pumping Effect1. occurs during __ or __ __2. defined as the __ __ generated during __ that is transmitted from the __ __ back into the ___3. another source of back pressure?4. back pressure has what possible effects on vaporizer output?5. pumping effect has what effect on vaporizer output?
1. controlled or assisted ventilation2. positive pressure/ inspiration/ breathing system/ vaporizer3. oxygen flush valve4. may increase or decrease vaporizer output5. causes higher vaporizer output concentration than dialed setting d/t back pressure