Uses and Advantages of Anaesthetic Machine Flashcards

Do you know some of the common uses and advantages of the anesthetic machine? The introduction of anesthesia in medicine has aided a lot in some standard procedures. As an aspiring medical practitioner, do you know how to use the machine? The flashcards will help you understand it a little better. Do give it a shot and test your understanding with the quiz.

48 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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1. allows delivery of the __ __ of gases to the patient2. modern machines incorporate what 4 things?
1. precise mixture2. ventilatorsvaporizersmonitorssuction device
Errors in Anesthetic Mgmt1. % caused by human error2. of these, 50% are d/t what?3. breathing circuit involved in __%- vaporizers?- ventilators?4. 30% of cardiac deaths in the OR are caused by what?5. what % of errors are caused by equipment failure?-- these can be reduced by what 3 things?
1. 70-80%2. errors in airway mgmt3. 39%- 21%- 17%4. hypoxia5. 2-5%- manufacturer- equipment check-out procedure- operator
1. 2 leading manufacturers in the US2. 3 ventilators currently in production3. anesthesia machine standards that are used today-- they specify what is needed for an ___ ___
1. GE Medical (formerly Datex-Ohmeda and Ohio Medical)North American Drager (Drager Medical Inc)2. System/ 5Aestiva (Aestiva/ 5 MRI)Aespire3. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) F 1850-00 - established in 2000 and reap proved in 2005-- anesthesia workstation
1. ASTM 1850 requires that machines measure what 9 things?
1. BP- ECG- pulse ox- O2 concentration- O2 pressure- breathing system pressure- CO2 concentration- anesthetic vapor concentration- TV = exhaled
1. high priority alarms may not be silenced longer than what?2. medium and low priority can be turned off but not by ___3. alarms/ monitors may be automatically enabled by doing what?-- manually enabled by?4. battery requirements
1. 120sec2. students3. turning on the anesthesia machine- following a checklist4. battery backup for 30min
1. high priority pressure alarm must sound in which 3 situations?2. disconnect alarms may be based on what 3 things?3. most common disconnect?
1. - user-adjustable limits are exceeded- continuing high pressure is sensed- negative pressure2. low pressure- exhaled volume- CO23. ET tube from breathing circuit (from CO2 changes)
1. pressure in the breathing circuit is limited to what?2. O2 cylinder requirements?3. ___ oxygen monitor = with a __ __ alarm within ___ of O2 falling below 18% or limit set by user4. O2 supply failure alarm-- manufacturer set at ___-- __ __ alarm within ___5. what safety mechanism is in place to prevent less than 21% O2 when N2O is used?
1. 125cmH2O2. 1 O2 cylinder3. inspired (FiO2)/ high priority/ 30sec4. 30psig- medium priority/ 5 sec5. hypoxic guard
O2 Flush Valve1. flow capabilites?2. does not proceed thru any ___3. always ___4. may generate high ___
1. 35-75L/min2. vaporizers3. active4. pressures
1. anesthesia machines should not be considered obsolete simply b/c ___ but because of what 3 possibilities?2. 3 obsolete criteria
1. age- changes in anesthesia practice- changes in training/ experience- changes in safety developments2. - lack of essential safety factors (ex no O2 pressure alarm)- presence of unacceptable features (measure flow vaporizers)- adequate maintenance/ parts no longer available
1. Pressure systems divided in what 3 categories?2. High Pressure Systema. receives gas at __ pressureb. 2 componentsc. O2 pressure ranged. N2O pressure range
1. high, intermediate and low2a. cylinderb. cylinder and cylinders' primary pressure regulatorsc. 2200psig to 45psigd. 750psig to 45 psig
Intermediate Pressure System1. receives gases at which pressure range?2. begins where?3. includes what?4. extends to what?5. 2nd stage pressure regulators reduce pressure to what?
1. 37-55psig2. at the regulated cylinder supply sources at 45psig3. pipeline sources at 50-55psig4. flow control valves5. 14-26psig
Low Pressure System1. extends from what to what?2. includes what 4 things?
1. from flow control valves to common gas outlet2. - FM tubes- vaporizers- flow control valves- one way check valves (when present)
Flow/ Fct of Anesthesia Machine1. over ___ parts2. 3 differences among various machines?3. FM differences?4. O2 and N2O - cylinders and pipeline r 2 primary sourcesa. cylinder pressure regulated to ___b. pipeline primary source at ___
1. 7002. - physical appearance- physical placement of parts- diff approaches to safety systems3. visual vs. digital4a. 45psigb. 50psig
1. "fail safe device"- location- fct2. GE machines have 2nd stage regulator- location - function?
1. down-stream of N2O supply- interface btw N2O and O2 supply; shuts off or decreases N2O and other gases if O2 pressure decreases2. downstream of O2 source in intermediate press circuit-- supplies constant pressure (usually 14psig) to O2 flow control valve
1. Some GE machines have one-way check valve- location?- function?2. primary gas source for anesthesia machine?3. most common and 2nd most common problem r/t this?4. cross-over of gas piping can cause what?- solution?
1. - low pressure circuit- to prevent intermittent back pressure into vaporizer during mechanical ventilation2. pipeline supply source3. 1st = inadequate pressure2nd = excessive pressure4. hazardous hypoxic mixture of gas- if suspected, turn on O2 cylinder and disconnect pipeline sources