Ancient Cities Final

Ancient cities final exam.. second half of class

77 cards   |   Total Attempts: 190

Cards In This Set

Front Back
Question 1
What city?
Greek Iron Age
1100-600 BC
Greek Archais and Classical period
600-300 BC
Question 4
What is this?
Priene- Hippodamian grid
Where is modern day Priene located?

When was it founded?
Modern day Turkey, 4th c BC
Question 6
What is this?
Prostas house- Priene
Question 7
What is this?
Pastas house- Olynthos
Question 8
What is this?
Question 9
What is this theater? Where was it located?
Theater of Dionysos, Athens
When was the Hellenistic period? (Greece)
323 to (238-31) BC

after death of Alexander the Great
Italy- Iron Age
1000-700 BC
Roman Period
509 BC to 330 AD
Mediterranean triad
Grapes, olives, barley/wheat
Italy- impact of colonization on local communities?
Transfer of material culture and technology, social change
Etruscans: between 9th and 7th c BC
Increase of wealth, complexity of material record