Terminology of the heart and vessels and nervous system 

65 cards   |   Total Attempts: 189

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Double layered serious membrane
in middle mediastinum
covers the heart
2 layers - fibrous and serous
Serous membrane
2 layers
visceral/epicardium - closely attached to heart
Pericardial cavity
The space between the 2 layers of the serous membrane
contained pericardial fluid
protects the heart against sudden overfilling
Transverse sinus
Space that a finger can pass through
posterior to ascending aorta and pulmonary turnk
anterior to superior vena cava
Oblique sinus
U shaped blind recess
posterior to heart
hand can pass through
Blood supply to epicardium
Comes from the heart
Blood supply to pericardium
Musculophrenic and pericardiacophrenic arteries
via internal thoracic artery
Venous drainage of pericardium
Azygous and pericardiophrenic vein
Innervation of pericardium
Sympathetic nerve
parasympathetic/vagus nerve
phrenic nerve
Friction rub
Pericardial effusion
Fluid accumulation in pericardial cavitiy
Cardiac tamponade
Fluid accumulates in perdicardial cavity
compression of the heart
5th or 6th intercostal space near sternum
Heart size
As big as your clenched fist
Heart chambers
4 chambers
2 ventricles
2 atriums