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ArpCollage Arranged According to Laws of ChanceDada1910s-1920s
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PicabiaPortrait of CezanneDada1910s-1920s
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DuchampNude Descending StaircaseDada1910s-1920s
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MagritteThe Treachery of ImagesSurrealism1920s-1930s
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MagrittePersonal ValuesSurrealism1920s-1930s
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DaliThe Persistence of MemorySurrealism1920s-1930s
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DaliThe Weaning of Furniture FoodSurrealism1920s-1930s
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KahloHenry Ford HospitalSurrealism1920s-1930s
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KahloSelf Portrait with Crown of ThornsSurrealism1920s-1930s
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PollockLavender MistAbstract Expressionism1940s-1950s
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De KooningWoman IAbstract Expressionism1940s-1950s
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The Rothko ChapelRothkoAbstract Expressionism1940s-1950s
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Center Triptych (Rothko Chapel)RothkoAbstract Expressionism1940s-1950s