African-American Music Exam Flashcards

Learn about African-American Music with our flashcards. Learn key terms, words, definitions, and much more with our flashcard quizzes. Attempt these simple quizzes for African-American Music with ease and grow.

61 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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"The objective of African music is to translate everyday experiences into musical sound"
Frances Beby
Functional purposes of African-American music
Rites of passage, worship, symbolic religious meanings, therapy, entertainment, homage, criticism, work song, social control, history, education, dance, drama
Fusion of religions of different origins in order to create a new religion
History singsrole passed from father to son
Membrane, drums, friction drum
Column of air: flute, trumpet, reed
String. Lutes: neck, guitar. Lyres. Harps: arm. Zithers: full length
Self-sounding, entire body vibrates to produce sound, rattles, xylophone, hand piano
Types of ensembles
Duo, trio, homogenous, heterogenous, played with or without voice (voice serves as an accompaniment to instruments) handclapping, stomping
Two or more melodies played together
Two or more rhythms played together
Hocket technique
Since some trumpets can only play one or two notes, in order to create melody, the instrument only plays at the same time its note fits in the melody
"Talking" instruments
Chordophone: musical bow. played with stick, gourd, or cavity of mouth as a resonator. African languages are "tonal" meaning that inflections and pitch determine meaning
Call and response
Performers and audience, two performers, instrument and voice, instrument and instrument
Afro-Brazilian religon resulted from religious practices Africans brought to brazil. Music and Dance. Get possessed by African deities.