Adrenergic Bronchodilator

Agent that stimulates sympathetic nervous fibers allows relaxation of smooth muscle in the airway

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Adrenergic bronchodilator
Agent that stimulates sympathetic nervous fibers
allows smooth muscle relaxation
Adrenergic bronchodilators are also known as
Sympathomimetic bronchodilators or B2 agonists
Adrenergic bronchodilator uses
Relaxation of smooth airway muscle in the presence of reversible obstruciton
Clinical indications for Bronchodilators
Asthma, bronchitis, emphysema, bronchiectasis, COPD
Indication for sabas (rescue)
Relief of acute reversable airflow obstruction in asthma or other obstructive airway diesases
Indication for LABAs (maintanence)
Control of bronchospasms and nocturnal symptoms of asthma or other obstructive diseases
LABAS are usually combined with what type of medication?
Antiinflammatory drugs
Indicaiton for racemic epinephrine
Reduce airway swelling
post extubation stridor, epiglottitis, croup, bronchiolits
control bleeding during endoscopy

Duration < 3 hours
epinephrine and racemic epinephrine
SABA description
Onset: minutes
peak 30-60 minutes
duration 4-6 hours
albuterol, levalbuterol, pirbuterol, metaproteronol
LABA description
Onset 15-30 minutes
peak 3-6 hours
duration 12 hours
salmeterol, formoterol, arformeterol
Chemical structure consisting of an aromatic catechol nucleus and a dialiphatic amine side chain
Cateolamines are what type of amines?
Sympathomimetic: mimic the effects of epinephrine
cause tachycardia, increased BP, smooth muscle relaxation, skeletal muscle tremor and CNS stimulation
Structure of catecholamines
Benzene ring, two hydroxyl groups, with an amine side chain
Adrenergic bronchodilators as stereoisomers
Non superimposable molecules that mirror each other
R isomer ( right)
S isomer (left)