Adolescence Short Answer

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Define adolescence.state some of the changes which takes place during adolescence
The transitional period of physical and mental development which occurs between childhood and adulthood is called adolescence.

voice deepens
facial and body hair grow
breasts grow
menstruation begin
What is puberty?who attains puberty at an earlier age in human beings:male or female
The period during which adolescent boys and girls reach sexual maturity and capable of reproduction is called puberty.

Write two changes that happen during puberty to

a. both boys and girls

b. boys only

c. girls only
A. increase in height and development of pimples and acne on face

b. hair grow on face and body, chest and shoulders of boys broaden

c. breasts develop , menstruation begin
A. state two ways in which the body shape of boys change during puberty

b. state two ways in which the body shape of girls change during puberty
A. voice deepens in boys , hair grow on the face of boys and on chest

b. hips of girls broaden , breasts develop
State one change in the body shape of grown up boys and one change in the body shape of grown up girls which makes them look different
In boys the chest and shoulder broadens whereas on girls the hips broaden
A. what is the effect of a larger voice box in grown up boys

b. what is the effect of a smaller voice box in grown up girls
A. it gives them deeper voice

b. it gives them shrill voice
What is adam's apple? which of the two usually have an adam's apple:grown up boys or girls
The bulge at the front of throat or neck in grown up boys is called adam's apple

grown up boys
What change in the voice of boys takes place whey they reach puberty?what is the cause of this change
The voice becomes deeper when they reach puberty because the voice box becomes bigger in boys
A. name two male sex organs and two female sex organs which develop completely at puberty

b. name two things which may develop on the face of adolescent boys and girls during puberty due to the increased activity of sebacious glands and sweat glands in the skin
A. boys-testes and penis
girls-ovaries , oviducts

b. the pimples and acne develop on the face of adolescent boys and girls
A. state two secondary sexual characteristics in mature boys and two in mature girls

b. which of the following are secondary sexual characteristic

ovaries,moustache,penis, broad hips , vagina,beard,breasts,adam's apple,wide shoulders,uterus,testes,deeper voice
A. boys-hair grow on face in boys and shoulder and chest broaden

girls-high pitched voice and hips broaden

b. moustache , broad hips , beard, breasts, wide shoulders , deeper voice , adam's apple
Whch of the following are endocrine glands?

salivary gland , thyroid gland , adrenal gland , sweat gkand,pituitary gland,sebaceous gland
Thyroid gland,adrenal gland,pituitary gland
A. what name is given to the onset of menstruation in human females ?at which age does this occur

b. what name is given to the permanent stoppage of menstruation in women?at what age does this occur
A. periods and it occurs around 10 to 12 years of age

b. menopause and it occurs between 45 to 50 years
Who is responsible for the sex of the unborn child:father or mother why
Father is responsible for the sex of the unborn child because he has both X and Y chromosomes.if father contributes X chromosomes then it is female child and if it contributes Y chromosomes then it is male child
What will be the sex of the child born:
a. if X chromosomes carrying sperms fuses with an egg cell carrying X chromosome
b. if Y chromosome carrying sperm fertilises an ovum containing X chromosome
A. it will be a female child

b. it will be a male child
What are hormones?where are hormones made in the human body
Hormones are the chemical substances which co-ordinate the activities of living organisms and also their growth.they are made and secreted by endocrine glands